Saturday, July 18, 2009

Sari, I love you!

I got a DSN box recently that reminded me of some stuff I wanted to praise... Just so we're all clear, I love Sari Telling. There is one thing that I get all weird over in RL and it's Henna tattoos...I really suck at them though.. As much as I like some tattoos in SL (See Tacky Star! Especially 'Birdie Bye Bye' and 'Alice's Heart'...for the most part, I mega-loathe normal tattoo art. Sorry...I like to keep my dark on the inside where nobody knows when I'm going to spazz and kill everybody. So anyway! Sari Telling!

I love her shirt designs...this one is Ztrappy..with the East India Sailor tattoos...and some jeans I've had since 2007 from Simone.

Meditation with Ganesha...seemed appropriate enough. The top is 'Petal Puzzle' and I love how it covers, but not. The 'Lacey Days' tattoos are hands, arms, feet, and legs and come in a few different colors. I just like the red.

I got this 'Creepy' hair from Curio a few days ago, and it makes me feel like Violet from The Incredibles...

More Ganesha...with a pendant. And the Henna Tattoo pack.. Also..Paper Tiger I from Curio with a color changing band..I love this Anyway vest from Sari...another perfectly good reason to raid her shop!

This is one of my favorite new skins..and with all the sales lately, I have a lot of them... it's Tuli Sumi, the tanned version. It's like..eleventy something and comes in so many colors I haven't even managed to see them all yet.

And the reason we're all here today! The DSN box gave me this lovely 'Russian Doll' dress...and I was so excited! I love the Shiny Things wedges with it..and hey..there are the bird tattoos..

So, the moral to the story is...go buy me something from Sari's!

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