Tuesday, July 28, 2009

As promised!!!

Violet Burlesque - Reasonable Desires
Mistress of Ceremonies shoes - Ztique
Torch Song in Noir Black Hair - Ingenue Hair Fair Freebie

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Postin' my Plurky Buddies - Part 1

Two things happened yesterday that made me realize that I wanted to do a posting like this. One, I realized how much plurk had influenced my shopping, and two, Albros Breda released new jewelry. Now, it might seem like I'm picking favorites, which is totally my business if I do(!), but I have some enormously talented people as plurk friends. It could take me years to get done plurking all their fabulousness... So..getting started!
CIHUAE Jewelry has released a bunch of things! It was hard for me to think while watching Coraline, so I only ended up with the one set, but I am going to go back and get the rest.

This one is Vintage Gold with the Pink choker and pastel pendant. It comes with everything...earrings, necklace, ring for either or both hands, bracelets... I'm in love with it. It's very delicately crafted and I find it to be elegant and gracefully glamorous..

The other night, I went to the MDR Photography studio party, and if you don't know the work of Arcadia and Rhodesy, you really should become familiar with them. However! The party was in honor of a new release from Reasonable Desires called Vanessa, which I now have..along with the super cute Cigarette Girl, neither of which I'm going to have pictures of, so go to the store and see for yourself. They did some great prizes, and I was excited to win....

The new Amelia Earhart outfit! I had the lead of Amelia in a play in fifth grade, so I've always had a soft spot for her. I know she didn't do this hair, but you have to admit, the outfit is outstanding.

I had never been to Reasonable Desires, but I have a thing about wearing other designer's work to a party for somebody else. I dunno, maybe it's me, I feel like it's rude. So rather than plod on in my pre-existing lingerie, I tp-ed down to buy an RD outfit...I was super-thrilled when I got there and wound up wearing Anne in Periwinkle.

It's fabulously retro, which is my favorite thing, but it's also wonderfully detailed! You have a ton of options with garters and stockings and girdles..but this is how I wore it. And I love the detail on the back....

It's really beautiful work...

Last, but certainly not least, there are new items at Naive! There are some great hoodies..and I bought one, but what I was most excited about was the Zoe Dress.

It's awesome and feminine, without looking like a five year old should be wearing it. There are several skirt options, as far as skirt movement and location. It comes in four colors, but as I'm trying to budget for vacation next month, I only bought it in my two faves...blue and purple..

So, in short...visit my plurky buddies at Naive, Savoir Faire (my shape), Reasonable Desires, Tacky Star (tattoo), and CIHUAE Jewelry!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Sari, I love you!

I got a DSN box recently that reminded me of some stuff I wanted to praise... Just so we're all clear, I love Sari Telling. There is one thing that I get all weird over in RL and it's Henna tattoos...I really suck at them though.. As much as I like some tattoos in SL (See Tacky Star! Especially 'Birdie Bye Bye' and 'Alice's Heart'...for the most part, I mega-loathe normal tattoo art. Sorry...I like to keep my dark on the inside where nobody knows when I'm going to spazz and kill everybody. So anyway! Sari Telling!

I love her shirt designs...this one is Ztrappy..with the East India Sailor tattoos...and some jeans I've had since 2007 from Simone.

Meditation with Ganesha...seemed appropriate enough. The top is 'Petal Puzzle' and I love how it covers, but not. The 'Lacey Days' tattoos are hands, arms, feet, and legs and come in a few different colors. I just like the red.

I got this 'Creepy' hair from Curio a few days ago, and it makes me feel like Violet from The Incredibles...

More Ganesha...with a pendant. And the Henna Tattoo pack.. Also..Paper Tiger I from Curio with a color changing band..I love this Anyway vest from Sari...another perfectly good reason to raid her shop!

This is one of my favorite new skins..and with all the sales lately, I have a lot of them... it's Tuli Sumi, the tanned version. It's like..eleventy something and comes in so many colors I haven't even managed to see them all yet.

And the reason we're all here today! The DSN box gave me this lovely 'Russian Doll' dress...and I was so excited! I love the Shiny Things wedges with it..and hey..there are the bird tattoos..

So, the moral to the story is...go buy me something from Sari's! http://slurl.com/secondlife/jirisan/211/86/568/

Friday, July 17, 2009

Do what with who?!

So, lately I've been all into this content theft thing. It really bugs me that it seems so rampant and that it's not confined to any particular ...I dunno what I mean here. It just bothers me!!
As much as I wish I could make clothes, shapes, and skins, I have to accept my limitations. I am a shopper, and that's just it. I'll have to be satisfied with going "Oh..I need a chair..." and making one.. I'm ok with that!

Today though, I had this weird conversation.....

[10:55] Hommie Pearl: Kyria
[10:56] Kyria Tomsen: Yes?
[10:57] Hommie Pearl: i'm selling a pack of clothes
[10:57] Hommie Pearl: do you want to buy?
[10:57] Kyria Tomsen: What kind of clothes?
[10:57] Hommie Pearl: 300 clothes for mens and womens
[10:57] Hommie Pearl: from sm
[10:57] Hommie Pearl: a brazilian sl clothes
[10:57] Kyria Tomsen: Pre-made?
[10:58] Hommie Pearl: all the clothes are for revendors
[10:58] Hommie Pearl: is a venddor pack
[10:58] Kyria Tomsen: What kind of clothes?
[10:58] Hommie Pearl: social and normal clothes
[10:59] Hommie Pearl: have lots of dresses
[10:59] Hommie Pearl: and social clothes
[10:59] Hommie Pearl: and good stuff
[10:59] Kyria Tomsen: No, thanks. I have lots and if I start to make some, I'll do my own.[10:59] Hommie Pearl: good
[10:59] Hommie Pearl: the price is cheap
[10:59] Hommie Pearl: at the store
[10:59] Hommie Pearl: this clothes costs more than
[10:59] Hommie Pearl: 1500 lindnes
[10:59] Hommie Pearl: with me
[11:00] Hommie Pearl: are 200 lindens
[11:00] Kyria Tomsen: What store are they from?
[11:00] Hommie Pearl: the maker are the sm
[11:00] Hommie Pearl: they resell
[11:00] Hommie Pearl: for stores
[11:00] Hommie Pearl: i was bought with a friend
[11:01] Kyria Tomsen: Again, thank you, but no.
[11:01] Hommie Pearl: ok
[11:01] Hommie Pearl: thanks

One might ask, "Who is this Hommie Pearl person?" I dunno...and the profile didn't help with that either. I was somewhat torn... I thought about buying them, just to see what they were. I didn't want stolen content, and I also don't want to give money to people who steal content... I don't know that they *are* stolen..but how weird is that? And yeah, the picture has nothing to do with anything.....I'm just in love with my new home.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th!

So, I was feeling pretty grumpy to begin with today...then I decided to clean out my closets. Then I had Wendy's and went to Walmart. As you can imagine, my mood did not improve.

I thought to myself, "Self, what is it that makes you happy...happier than anything ever?" I came up with a lot of things, but what I settled for was creating 'Take your Alt to Hair Fair" day. I thought about how I like my alt, but really...spending money on her...over-rated. I've spent money at HF, so I'm not a total leech.

I got to HF, working on my chipper...and landed next to this...

Well...that got me going. I just started flying around HF, observing after that.

I really like getting the 'No Lag' signs behind people...

At least this chick left her shoes at home...

What you can't see about this picture is that they all have 'Family' tags...

Parents, if you don't teach your child avi about lag, who will...?

I don't even know what the cathair is up with her...she had a bird, white flapping wings, a nurse's outfit, and a giant hypodermic... Be afraid.

Heehee...this is my favorite...

I do feel happier :) I'll have to refrain from being this catty until Hair Fair '10!